Just as speed dating’s purpose is to encourage people to meet a large number of new people in a short amount of time, our onsite 90-minute vendor showcases do just that for researchers and suppliers.

Save hundreds of hours

We work closely with your company to determine what theme you want for your showcase. For example, do you want a scientific tools and services event, or a green chemistry / sustainability initiative event? Our team identifies the best-of-the-best vendors to match your specific needs. You save hundreds of man hours of heavy lifting research by letting us do the heavy sifting of thousands of vendors. Host companies pay no fees. Vendors are excited to come onsite and pay fees to exhibit.

Your speed dating event makes matches

For 90 minutes your team members have anywhere from 15 to 50 vendors to check out. The vendors love the opportunity to be in the right place at the right time. Researchers see demos. Take away samples. Ask questions. Enthusiasm is at its peak. The synergy between determined scientists and suppliers anxious to serve with quality products creates powerful results.

Simple solutions for your complex problems

Have a research problem you haven’t been able to solve? Need a piece of equipment to do a process more efficiently? We stay abreast of the best by attending investor / entrepreneurial / venture capitalist conferences. It’s where we find new players offering the most sophisticated technology. It’s music to our ears when our clients say, we solved a research problem that was holding us up with a showcase vendor we never even knew existed.
Let’s set up your speed dating showcase to save you time and money. Call (858) 573-9331 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to schedule your onsite event.

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